Make a difference in your local school

Everyday Matters is our Christian Values Education program that we run in state schools across WA. Everyday Matters addresses topics that we know matter to kids – such as friendship, resilience and courage – all from a faith perspective.

30 minutes per week

Everyday Matters is unique in that it’s been designed to be delivered across multiple contexts for grades one through to six in just 30 minute sessions. Sessions can be


Each session includes:


As students participate, you’ll be helping them gain more of an understanding of the Christian faith, beliefs and values.

values matter friends matter words matter you matter
Become a volunteer in:

3 easy steps

We‘re here to support you through the application and training process!

First, complete our quick online application and we’ll support you in gaining a Working With Children Check and National Police Clearance.
Once your application has been accepted you will be invited to participate in our one day training, either in-person or online.
After you’ve completed the training you and your team can get started! We will fully resource you and support you along the way.

Harriette Coombe
Everyday Matters Volunteer

Hear from some Volunteers

I think teaching Everyday Matters in my school has really impacted me by bringing extra joy to my life. I pinch myself every week that I get to do it. I would tell other people to just do it; just volunteer. It's been one of the best things that I've done.

Harriette Coombe
Everyday Matters Volunteer

Hear from some Volunteers

The Everyday Matters curriculum has been fantastic. It's set out really well. I just enjoy that everything's provided; it's all just there. There's nothing I have to think about.

Gad Rasmussen
Everyday Matters Volunteer

Hear from some Volunteers

The best part about Everyday Matters is when the kids come running in so happy to see us! One of the boys said coming into our lunch-time program was one of the only places he felt accepted and loved, it’s just the most heartwarming thing!

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